The purpose of the Rivers East Workforce Development Board is to provide regional leadership, guidance and support to meet the changing needs of our communities through strategic innovation and collaboration.
The Rivers East Workforce Development Board provides a variety of services to assist our job seeker and business customers in the five county region through our NCWorks Career Centers. NCWorks Career Center locations offer in person and virtual services in Beaufort, Bertie, Hertford, Martin and Pitt County.
The Rivers East Workforce Development Board (WDB) is composed of leaders from the private and public sectors. This organization has the authority to determine how NCWorks Career Centers, Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) and federal/state Employment and Training funds are used in the Region. The board reviews, monitors and evaluates all programs and services and awards contracts.
Staff to the Board monitors the progress of programs, coordinates planning and provides technical assistance to providers and supports the WDB. The board has a standing Executive Committee and several ad-hoc committees. These groups meet separately to discuss any issues, review documents or bring ideas to the full Board that may pertain to their specific areas.
The Workforce Development Board is strategically focused on investing in initiatives that strengthen the workforce of our region and support retention and economic growth. This is accomplished through the commitment to strong partnerships that help our region’s businesses and current and emerging workforce to become a competitive force in our local, state, national and global economy.
1502 N. Market Street, Suite A
Washington, NC 27889
Phone: (252) 946-8043
Toll Free: (800) 799-9194
Fax: (252) 946-5489
Monday – Thursday
08:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday – Sunday
Available by appointment.
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